Zdecydowanie. Po paskudnym początku września, nadeszła ciepła i słoneczna jesień, która w odczuciu wielu łodzian wydłuża sezon rowerowy. Wszystkie służby miejskie, na czele ze ZDiT i Łódzką Spółką Infrastrukturalną, ale także MPK, policja i straż miejska, robią wiele, aby promować przemieszczanie się na rowerze po Centrum. Wystarczy np. brak kontroli prac przy remontach dróg (krawężniki na krótkim odcinku Traugutta są wymieniane od tygodnia albo dłużej) albo przyzwolenie na ignorowanie zakazów wjazdów (Narutowicza-Zielona przy Piotrkowskiej), żeby skutecznie zniechęcać do jeżdżenia po Centrum samochodem lub tramwajem, a także do chodzenia po chodnikach. Nam, rowerzystom oddanym sprawie, w to graj! Dzięki temu jeszcze teraz na ulicach Łodzi można zobaczyć takie obrazki:
A to Pani spotkana przez skunka, która podobno widząc skierowany w swoją stronę obiektyw, zaczęła się poprawiać. Myślę, że to jednak megalomania skunka, a Pani po prostu wykorzystywała czerwone światło na doprowadzenie się do stanu nienaruszonego wiatrem.
Spaliśmy o jeden tydzień dłużej
...i przestawiliśmy się na zimowy język polski. Witam wszystkich po tygodniowej przerwie i przystępujemy do nadrabiania zaległości! Rzeszom anglojęzycznym czytelnikom tego bloga doradzam podciągnięcie się z języka polskiego. W końcu to jeden z języków UE!
Ladies! (part 1)
Almost everyone (especially in the UK) knows, that Polish women are most beautiful in the part of Europe on north of Alps. But they are also determined and brave cycling across city like Lodz - few know that yet. And our women can preserve their savour in it. Some of us could even claim, that they are therefore more appealing.
by HuBar
Men's fashion
OK, it's time to specify few principles for men.
First: If you think, that cycling isn't appropriate for a respectable man, you may go wrong.
Second: You have to appreciate an important details, e.g. oldfashioned bike's trumpet.
Third: Maybe there is easier way to carry something by bike, but... if you pay attention to good look, take your stylish suitcase and go!
And fourth: Be daring and blaze a rail!
Question to Lodz inhabitants: Spodziewalibyście się, że w naszym mieście można już zobaczyć takie obrazki? Oj, oby tak dalej wiała ta wiosna z Zachodu...
First: If you think, that cycling isn't appropriate for a respectable man, you may go wrong.
Second: You have to appreciate an important details, e.g. oldfashioned bike's trumpet.
Third: Maybe there is easier way to carry something by bike, but... if you pay attention to good look, take your stylish suitcase and go!
And fourth: Be daring and blaze a rail!
Question to Lodz inhabitants: Spodziewalibyście się, że w naszym mieście można już zobaczyć takie obrazki? Oj, oby tak dalej wiała ta wiosna z Zachodu...
Inducement to cycle with us!
From patsywojt:
In the morning on the radio the weather forecast for the next few days sounded quite optimistic. Let's hope we still have a lot of days with this beautiful, bright sunshine! The autumn coats look so cheerful thanks to the yellowish light.
Beige coat.
Red jackets.
And beige polar fleece jumper.
There's no doubt patsy, that it's worth cycling - just for views like on the first photo.
In the morning on the radio the weather forecast for the next few days sounded quite optimistic. Let's hope we still have a lot of days with this beautiful, bright sunshine! The autumn coats look so cheerful thanks to the yellowish light.
Beige coat.
Red jackets.
And beige polar fleece jumper.
There's no doubt patsy, that it's worth cycling - just for views like on the first photo.
And we have first pretty benefit of sunny Monday: the most uptown cyclist of Lodz.
Markus, lucky you ! Presumably the girl on the bike is to do with operating a camera for the Patio TV. Regards!
Markus, lucky you
Sunny Monday
How it was said: Today we're collecting the sunshine of the late October.
Two photos taken by emka.
Three pictures sent by conri.
And two photos taken by HuBar.
Finally, my modest addition.
Two photos taken by emka.
Three pictures sent by conri.
And two photos taken by HuBar.
Finally, my modest addition.
Hunting in Lodz
In Lodz it's really more likely to find trails than game leaving them.
This bike was left all night 100 meters from my home.
Very nice composition by my friend HuBar. Probably one of those bikes belongs to him.
This bike was left all night 100 meters from my home.
Very nice composition by my friend HuBar. Probably one of those bikes belongs to him.
LDZIGN - ŁódźDesign2008
Oh, I like it!
Work by the Belgian designers.
...and outside:
B&W - background cycle is my property.
Work by the Belgian designers.
...and outside:
B&W - background cycle is my property.
It's not easy
Today morning, before leaving home I have discovered a puncture in my wife's cycle. It hasn't been nice, cause it had been last bike in working order in our home. So I had to walk on stop and take a tram. But... "every cloud has a silver lining" - returnig home I could take a snap shot of this man hauling a dray:
I would like to send all guys posting notices in Lodz my love - me and my friends attentively survey your doings!
One of them (my friends) wanted to provide me photos of other cyclist, but he was out of luck - when he got to take ones, and tried to pull his camera out of bag, he just tipped all items onto the pavement. I would like to cheer him - every next day opens a window of opportunities!
Two shots in one place and moment!
I would like to send all guys posting notices in Lodz my love - me and my friends attentively survey your doings!
One of them (my friends) wanted to provide me photos of other cyclist, but he was out of luck - when he got to take ones, and tried to pull his camera out of bag, he just tipped all items onto the pavement. I would like to cheer him - every next day opens a window of opportunities!
Two shots in one place and moment!
Is it possible in city like mine?
Certainly, I have been inspired by this blog. I would like to test the possibility of meeting "normal people in normal clothes on normal bikes" in our normal city - Lodz/Poland. I have noticed very modest attendance of bikers riding a something like utility bicycles, mostly dutch bikes, on Lodz's streets. Yesterday, colleague had shown me this fascinating blog, and I have been mad on pictures like this one. And today I met my first muse:
Possible? In our wild country, friendless city? Let's try it!
Possible? In our wild country, friendless city? Let's try it!
Biking in Lodz
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