
Zaczęło się w Polsce

Zanim napiszę cokolwiek, czym zamierzałem Was dzisiaj uraczyć, muszę podzielić się obrazem, który zobaczyłem dzięki naprowadzaczowi patsywojt. Świetny klip do "New year's day" U2. Z szykowną (warszawską) rowerzystką, a jakże!

Wiadomo, nie ma co się egzaltować, bo były też cienie transformacji i nie wszystko jest takie cacy. Z drugiej jednak strony mamy sporo do nadrobienia w kwestii dumy i dowartościowania płynącego z czegoś innego niż tylko wykrwawianie się w powstaniach i walkach.

Summary (by patsywojt):
Yesterday we all had a chance to vote for our EU parliament representatives. Also last week we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first semi – democratic elections in Poland that were the beginning of the end of communism for all Eastern and Central Europe. Because we tend to forget how and when it all started here is as short clip with the history of changes that took place. Is it not beautiful that the symbol of these changes is a girl, born in the evening of 4th of June 1989, just at the same time as the counting of the votes started? And another thing – she is a chic cyclist from Warsaw apparently.

3 komentarze:

Unknown pisze...

nice explanation.
we have been voting ere in england too but have somehow managed to elect a load of right-wing, anti-immigration idiots...

patsywojt pisze...

The song was actually written as a tribute to Lech Walesa in 1983 when he was put in prison after Solidarity was delegalized. So it is about him and his wife and the military state. But it is nice that after 25 years this can be pictured as a song about Poland and free Europe. And that there is a happy end to the story. How we make use of our freedom that is a very different thing...

meteor2017 pisze...

No i mamy dwa najbardziej rowerowe mosty w Warszawie :-) Dwa które po 1989 zostały wybudowane - Siekierkowski w czołówce i Świętokrzyski którym popyla przy pylonach rowerzystka.

Co ciekawe, rowerzystka jedzie na praską stronę, więc musiała potem jeszcze raz tym lub innym mostem przejechać, skoro potem wchodzi do BUWu :-)